Almost a Love Story
For a moment, I look at you as you steal my heart and run away with it. I chase you, barefoot, baring my soul. I beckon you, please wait. Because I want to run away as well.
Yet your wandering soul is too wild and slowly fades into the sweeping landscape. There are soft whispers, reminding me of you every time I pass by waterfalls or oceans. Now the only place I see you is when the drifting stars sketch your angelic face.
My eyes swell, producing hot tears that trickle down and reach my heart. The truth is, I miss you all too much. So, it is best to lock up my heart and throw away the key. And now, I feel a momentary relief, like when rain gives solace to sorrow.
Slowly, slowly, frost encircles me, isolating me from the external world. I paint my surroundings with beautiful illusions so I can escape my past and my pain. For now, this world will be my prison and my haven.
People come and go, like soft snow, all at once and suddenly, it finds its way elsewhere. They peek at that girl behind the frost, whose happiness comes from within and one who never answers the door.
But one day, someone rests his hand on my hand and refuses to let go. He gazes at me and suddenly, my eyes tell him all my stories. He understands my soul. The frost slowly melts and there I am, standing in front of you. Broken. Vulnerable. Angelic.
Will you love me too?
Or will this be almost a love story?
© Image credit: Audrey – Charming Fashion Theme