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Soul of My Soul | Amorelicious
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Soul of My Soul

Amorelicious / Soul of My Soul

Soul of My Soul

Ever wondered
what it’s like to chase
the girl of your dreams?

Close your eyes and see through your heart,
because all you’ve ever wanted to love
is right there in front of you now.

She is like a wildflower,
Rare. Elusive. Beautiful.
Like love itself.

Her transluscent soul gleams
as brightly as a northern star,
guiding you, slowly, slowly, towards her midnight sky.

Our heartstrings get tangled into a serene twirl,
Never letting go, no matter the distance,
because we are two bodies residing in one soul.

Now that you caught a glimpse of paradise,
Would you come away with me?
Would you care to be… the soul of my soul?

Then make way into the labyrinth of my soul:
Get lost in my dreams.
Wander into my heart.
Captivate my mind.
Belong in my arms.

Fall magically in love with all of me.

Because I’ve always been yours, darling,
So would you care to be mine?
Would you care to be… the soul of my soul?


© Image credit: Audrey – Charming Fashion Theme


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